Our Fantastic Exam Results!
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We are extremely proud of our students again this year, their exams results were outstanding!
The most recent A-level results continued to show that students attainment at the end of Year 13 is amongst the highest in the County, 30% of all examination entries taken by students were graded A* or A with nearly 10% of all grades awarded the top grade of an A*. More than half of all entries were awarded a grade B or above.
We also had another record breaking year of GCSE success, the main measure of “Progress 8” which recognises the progress made during a student’s time at secondary school was already well in the top 5% of schools nationally and the highest in the county, the results indicate that this score has increased further and the progress of the children at Sir Christopher Hatton will be in the top 2% of all schools nationally.
The percentage of students achieving both English and maths at grade 4 and above increased to 77%. The percentage of students achieving both subjects at the more challenging grade 5 has also increased to 55%, these results are all significantly above the national average.
Results like this do not happen by chance and are the result of the hard work of the students and staff with an emphasis on the highest quality teaching and learning and an expectation that all students can achieve.
You can read our press releases by following the links below which give further details on individual students achievements.